Помимо показателей тщеславия: Как бренды оценивают влияние социальных Сетей

Метрики маркетинга в социальных сетях выглядят совершенно иначе, чем они сделали даже несколько лет назад.

Когда -то давно, такие количества, как лайки, акции и количество последователей, были критериями для определения социального успеха. Тем не менее, эти цифры все чаще теряют свою актуальность в определении успеха.

Соединение является ключевым.

Если вы не приоритет приоритету подлинно взаимодействуете с предполагаемой аудиторией, есть сильная вероятность, которую вы можете отставать.

Как специалист по SEO, я не могу подчеркнуть, что важность углубления глубже, чем просто метрики тщеславия при оценке влияния вашего присутствия в социальных сетях. Сосредоточив внимание на этих ключевых показателях эффективности, вы не только расширите свою социальную охват, но и способствуете более сильным связям с вашими последователями, в конечном итоге приведете к повышению лояльности.

Это углубит ваше понимание того, где и как ваша аудитория больше всего взаимодействует с вами.

Аналитические данные, полученные с помощью показателей вовлеченности, показывают истинное влияние, которым вы обладаете, и помогают вам усовершенствовать аспекты вашей стратегии в социальных сетях, которые являются приоритетными: то, как ваша аудитория оценивает ваш бизнес.

Используя эти измерения, вы можете отказаться от простых показателей эффективности и лучше соответствовать аспектам, которым современные алгоритмы социальных сетей придают наибольшее значение, а именно соблюдению законов о конфиденциальности и сбору данных этичным образом.

Умные специалисты по цифровому маркетингу, стремящиеся к конкурентному преимуществу и следящие за последними изменениями в алгоритмах, должны сосредоточиться на том, чтобы быть в курсе того, что нуждается в мониторинге.

В этой статье рассматриваются инновационные стратегии, которые используют как компании-новаторы, так и эксперты по маркетингу, чтобы изменить представление о том, что значит добиваться успеха в различных социальных сетях.

Давайте разберемся в причинах отказа от традиционных методов оценки, изучим эффективные методы измерения показателей и познакомимся с передовыми инструментами и технологиями, которые определяют перспективы продвижения в социальных сетях в будущем.


Проблема с Показателями Тщеславия

Когда-то успех в социальных сетях в основном определялся числовыми показателями, такими как количество лайков, набранных публикацией, или количество подписчиков в аккаунте.

Большее количество часто приводит к большему удовольствию, и, поскольку в данном случае большее количество означает улучшение, мы говорим о численной методологии. Этот тип поверхностной оценки взаимодействия потребителей с вашим брендом часто называют «показателями тщеславия».

Хотя показатели тщеславия могут показать вам количество людей, которые, по-видимому, заинтригованы вашим бизнесом, им не хватает конкретики, чтобы точно определить, почему клиенты находят ваш контент привлекательным, а если нет, то почему.

Хотя показатели тщеславия могут создавать ощущение достижения, часто вызывая выброс дофамина, трудно не испытывать приподнятого настроения, когда вы замечаете, что количество ваших подписчиков растет или что один пост набрал более тысячи лайков.

С другой стороны, показатели тщеславия не всегда дают точную картину истинной эффективности бренда в социальных сетях. Вместо этого они часто дают лишь частичную информацию.

Активность на ваших платформах социальных сетей определяется не только подписчиками, показами или лайками; это гораздо более всеобъемлющий показатель.

Одна из серьезных проблем, связанных с показателями тщеславия, заключается в их связи с более масштабными бизнес-целями. Хотя эти показатели могут показать скорость расширения вашей платформы, они не позволяют количественно оценить количество потенциальных клиентов, объем продаж или другие важные результаты.

Рассмотрим такой сценарий: бренд может похвастаться большим количеством подписчиков, но остается открытым вопрос: эффективно ли он превращает этих подписчиков в реальных клиентов, приносящих доход?

Упущение этого шанса может осложнить защиту инвестиций в социальные сети и ресурсов, выделяемых на эту рекламную стратегию.

Пример: Публикация потенциально может набрать 2000 лайков, что заставит бренд поверить в ее исключительный успех. Тем не менее, не зная, кому она понравилась и что вызвало увеличение количества лайков, сложно определить истинную ценность или влияние публикации.

Как опытный веб-мастер, я понял, что простые цифры не дают полной картины. Чтобы по-настоящему понять динамику, нам нужно глубже вникнуть в контекст, а этого можно достичь, только выйдя за рамки поверхностных показателей эффективности и сосредоточившись на более существенных показателях маркетинга в социальных сетях.

Двигаясь вперед, сосредоточение внимания на показателях, выходящих за рамки лайков, будет иметь важное значение для получения полного и всестороннего представления о производительности.

Key Metrics That Matter

For a social media marketer, it’s essential to constantly adapt to changing strategies to ensure visibility amidst the flood of social media content and maintain a competitive edge.

On average, individuals spend close to 2 and a half hours daily browsing their social media accounts, creating plenty of time for businesses to leave a lasting impact.

As social platform algorithms change, so too does how these platforms evaluate performance.

Instead of showing posts in a strictly chronological order, media algorithms these days tend to prioritize and bring forward content that gets a lot of interaction or engagement.

Currently, achieving success on social media will take a new form, surpassing conventional measures such as simple follower count. Instead, fostering meaningful relationships and high-quality interactions with your audience will be the key to triumph.

Instead of focusing on gaining popularity, it’s now about creating a sincere and genuine online persona that resonates with your customers, thereby earning their trust as a reliable business.

The modern approach to measuring success on social media platforms is here, so it’s high time you stepped up your tracking skills in this area.

Here are the metrics social media marketers should be tracking.

Engagement Metrics

Marketing professionals on social media platforms are delving more intensely into strategies that encourage their followers to perform significant, impactful interactions.

To do so, they must examine the depth of that engagement, digging deeper than likes alone.

Comments: A Free Form Of Feedback

Feedback, especially comments from social media platforms, offers a wealth of insights. These comments often express genuine feelings, whether they’re positive or negative emotions.

Hint: Prioritize engaging with users who leave insightful comments or ask meaningful questions. Respond to these individuals when you can.

Sentiment: How Your Content Makes Your Customers Feel

How a customer feels about your business can often be understood through the context of a comment.

Customer comments often stem from feelings, and understanding these emotions allows brands to respond effectively. This insight not only helps address issues but also identifies successes and areas for improvement.

As a seasoned webmaster, I’ve learned that engaging content is key to retaining visitors, and I’ve found that videos tend to captivate audiences more effectively than other types of content. Consequently, I plan to adapt my content strategy to focus on producing more video-based content in the future, aiming to keep my audience hooked and satisfied with the quality of my site.

Tip: Businesses should accurately track sentiment analysis to enhance their customer experience.

Conversion Metrics

Keeping tabs on the factors that drive customer actions remains crucial for measuring success. This is still relevant in the current year, and digital marketing professionals focusing on social media should consistently analyze conversion statistics.

Click-Through Rates: Encourage Action

Click-through rates (CTR) offer insights into how engaging your content actually is. They help determine if viewers are enticed enough to proceed further, whether that’s reading more, learning more, or making a purchase.

Hint: Monitor which of your posts are getting the most clicks to identify what resonates with your audience, so you can repeat similar strategies in the future.

Sales: Ensure Your Social Efforts Pay Off

To stay ahead in the social media landscape, it’s crucial to understand the kind of content that encourages your followers to move forward — be it visiting a product site or subscribing to a regular newsletter.

Hint: Make sure to assign sales to your social media platforms for optimal marketing results. This will help you fully leverage the power of these channels in your overall marketing strategy.

Customer Retention Metrics

Beyond merely helping establish a brand’s image and drawing in fresh clients, social media platforms significantly contribute to customer retention as well.

As a digital marketing professional, I can confidently affirm that an overwhelming majority of business leaders (88%) concur with me: social media data is indispensable in enhancing both customer retention and overall experiences.

Engaging content on your social media platforms attracts loyal followers who wish to revisit, and effective messaging fosters stronger bonds with them.

Repeat Purchases: Keep The Revenue Rolling In

Showing social media worth is essential to persuade your clients to continue returning for even more engagement.

Communication styles may vary when interacting with a new customer compared to an existing one.

Establishing revenue attribution is crucial for social media, as it enables you to tailor your communication more effectively among distinct audience groups, thereby improving interactions.

Tip: Set up proper attribution to be able to tie repeat sales back to social media.

Loyalty: Becoming More Than A One-Time Purchase

Loyalty programs, proven effective for years, are a marketing strategy that attracts regular customer involvement. They also show appreciation to faithful customers by providing unique discounts and special offers.

Suggestion: Use personalized UTM links to monitor your loyalty sign-ups, so you can trace back new members joining to their origin in your social media campaigns.

Tools And Technologies Empowering Brands

Marketing strategies on social media platforms are becoming more intelligent, utilizing cutting-edge technology to improve data analysis, streamline processes, and boost overall efficiency.

2021 could see social media platforms becoming even smarter, as they tend to lean heavily on sophisticated technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to drive their operations.

As a seasoned webmaster, I can confidently say that marketers will soon be privy to more intelligent insights, enabling them to have a crystal-clear perspective on the key performance indicators that determine success.

Let’s take a detailed glance at the innovative tactics that progressive companies are employing by integrating technology into their social media plans, aiming to enhance user experiences and boost their marketing achievements.


Undoubtedly, AI is transforming the way nearly every business operates.

Just like traditional platforms, social media offers unique opportunities for businesses to assess their accomplishments and forecast future results more accurately than ever before.

AI technologies are increasingly playing a crucial role in assessing the effectiveness of social media platforms.

Indeed, predictive models can forecast the potential outcome of a campaign prior to its launch, giving us valuable insights before we get started.

Brands can use AI to predict which campaigns might not perform well and are therefore expensive, by examining past performance data instead.

A comprehensive understanding like this empowers social media marketers to base their choices on solid data, ultimately resulting in preferred results.

Artificial Intelligence can determine the ideal posting time and the most suitable day of the week for a post, factoring in considerations such as different time zones and the geographical location of the intended audience.

In turn, social media marketers can more effectively get their content in front of more eyes.

In the world of social interaction, AI technology has proven beneficial for marketers, making it simpler than ever before for brands to showcase their messages to their targeted audience with greater ease.

It’s great to know that most business leaders are already on board with AI, as a research shows that 97% of them believe AI and Machine Learning help companies process social media information and gain insights more effectively.

Social Listening Tools

By actively listening to social media conversations, businesses may achieve increased customer satisfaction levels. Interestingly, the 2025 Sprout Social Index revealed that as many as 73% of social media users might opt for a rival company if a brand fails to address their concerns or comments on these platforms.

Listening to what your customers say is crucial, as not doing so could lead to a loss of their confidence, faithfulness, and the resources they’ve invested in your brand.

As a SEO expert, I’d like to introduce you to social listening tools — these are fantastic resources that allow me, as a brand, to peek into the conversations happening among my potential customers and existing patrons. They help me stay attuned to what’s being said about my business on various platforms.

By using social monitoring tools, businesses can follow particular key phrases and receive notifications whenever those phrases are used by others online.

A brand could keep tabs on pertinent hashtags concerning their goods or services, or get notified whenever a rival appears in conversations.

As a seasoned webmaster, I can’t stress enough the importance of swift alerts for any brand. These alerts empower us to act promptly, addressing our customers’ needs for support whenever they arise. It’s all about being there for them, in real-time, ensuring their concerns are addressed effectively and efficiently.

Should a product exhibit a common, significant flaw, customers might resort to using social media platforms to express their dissatisfaction and alert their network of friends or followers about the issue.

Responding appropriately to this feedback can determine whether they’re willing to allow your business a chance to make improvements, or if they might choose to take their business somewhere else instead.

The same can apply to a gap in service.

To enhance their customers’ experiences, a quick-service Mexican eatery aimed to pinpoint areas for improvement. Utilizing a combination of AI technology and social media monitoring tools, they focused on detecting obstacles within the customer experience pathway.

Due to frequent customer complaints about prolonged waiting periods expressed on social media, the restaurant swiftly addressed this recurring issue. This proactive approach led to enhanced dining experiences and satisfied clients.

Integrated Dashboards

For a marketing business to grow effectively, it’s crucial to have integrated dashboards at your disposal. These advanced tools enable marketers to gather and analyze all their data from a single, easily accessible platform.

As a seasoned SEO expert, I firmly believe that technology ought to equip us with comprehensive insights and a crystal-clear understanding of our marketing performance. This encompasses everything from monitoring social media metrics to evaluating local search performance, enabling us to make informed, data-driven decisions with confidence.

In principle, it would be advantageous for marketers to have a comprehensive understanding of their customers’ journey, encompassing every stage — starting from when a customer initially seeks out a business using search engines like Google, through the pages they visit, and concluding with the checkout process.

Adopting a consolidated strategy enables marketing professionals to assess the impact of their social media initiatives on various business goals, including lead creation, sales, and additional areas.

Integrated dashboards also allow different teams to assess performance at a higher level.

Content marketers can clearly observe the alignment of their work with that of social media marketers through a clear perspective on social media analytics. This transparency further facilitates the smooth sharing of accomplishments with executives in the C-suite.

Next Steps For Social Media Marketers Ready To Make An Impact

In this article, we’ve delved into the idea that relying solely on follower or ‘like’ counts to gauge social media influence is no longer effective.

This year, it’s crucial to focus on the appropriate key performance indicators and utilize the best available technology when assessing the influence of social media.

Marketing professionals working on social media should regularly demonstrate the outcomes by using combined dashboards, which they can share with their wider team, to emphasize the constructive effect they’re having on the company.

Demonstrating the link between social media strategies and overarching company objectives can help propel a social media marketer’s career trajectory. However, it’s important to remember that true success stems not just from the business aspect, but from maintaining a dedicated and interactive customer base.

Social media analytics offer insights beyond just identifying successful and unsuccessful aspects. Instead, they help you understand if your prospective and existing audience finds your content appealing enough to engage with it.

With the arrival of the New Year, it’s crucial for brands to take a fresh look at their social media tactics. Instead of focusing on metrics that only provide a partial view, consider implementing strategies, resources, and advanced technologies that yield improved customer results.

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2025-02-19 14:10